Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Audio files

I have started to upload old audio files to Podomatic. So far I've done the French sound system that I have mentioned before from my French Early Years Course, 2002. Listen here There is a six second pause before I get going!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Beauvais photos

Have put up the photos of the shops and market here. Feel free to download.

Pâques - Easter

Here are some Easter things here in case you need it soon.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Today is cancelled

Sorry folks. I've cancelled today because I sprained my ankle last might. It is something that happens from time to time - I have a very unstable left ankle. I couldn't face the trail across the car park and the corridors. (Thursday at St John's will be fine)
I have tried to contact everybody by phoning the schools I could remember and asked Roselyne to do the others. Hope you all got the message in time. Will post some work soon.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Beauvais report

Nous avons passé une journée très agréable hier à Beauvais. Tout s'est passé comme prévu. Il a fait beau. L'avion était à l'heure et les taxis sont arrivés. On a très bien mangé. On a bien rigolé!
Voici quelques photos qui donnent une impression de la journée.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Comic Relief

Former colleague Mark Pentleton who runs the very successful languages podcasts Radio Lingua Network has produced a tongue in cheek course in Scottish for Comic Relief. For £3 donation all of which goes to Comic Relief you can download 3 lessons, plus you get a 25% discount off your next purchase.


Was thinking about you not being allowed flashdrives. What about CD ROMs?  Are you allowed to copy files from them? If so I could put  Grammar Ninja and Countdown and sound files onto CD-ROMsComments!

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

quia exercises

Beauvais arrangements

Check in online, print off both boarding passes.
Get to airport by 6 am and make your way through security. We'll find each other in the departure lounge.
I have booked taxis to wait for us. From past experience taxis are few and far between.
Bring your cameras. What about bringing a wee puppet to pose in photos for class use? 
Got Helen's text message!
Can you find Beauvais in Picardy region, Oise departement?
Croisons les doigts pour le beau temps!

mardi dix mars la nourriture

Pour commencer une vidéo sur des magasins de la rue Cadet à Paris  pour de l'ambiance!
et une vidéo du BBC marché en Guadeloup

des images ici sur ESL-kids
et aussi sur ce site français les coccinelles

les courses à faire by Orchard Toys  @ £7 - bon marché!

menu from the zinc bleu à Beauvais

We played a Countdown flash game on the whiteboard. It can be downloaded from my teaching files>shared work. ! Lots of opportunities for using numbers and alphabet.
This was a TV game in France called des chiffres et des lettres before it came to Channel 4!
Aim to make the longest French word from the 9 letters
Lettres: une consonne, une voyelle 
Aim to get the target, using the numbers. Can only use a number once. Don;t have to use all the numbers
Chiffres: un grand et cinq petits et la cible (target) est 
fois x, plus +, moins - , divisé par /

Beauvais photos from last year

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Eating out

We'll learn about food this week

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Grammar Ninja

We spent the final 15 minutes on a flash game Grammar Ninja on the whiteboard.  You can play online in English (Knowledge about language, L1)  
You can download it and make up your own sentences. 
You have to identify parts of speech. Beginner level seems to be nouns and verbs only.
Skilled includes articles and adjectives, including possessive adjectives
Master has also adverbs, prepositions, pronouns including personal pronouns, conjunctions and interjections.
I disagree with some of the original labelling. It is advisable to make up your own sentences!

Talk Time Cards

We had lots of fun exploring the possible uses for our new low tech tools, Talktime postcards from TTS.
These are postcard size recordable modules. On one side there is a red record button. You need to hold it down while recording and you get 10 seconds.  On the other side there is the play button. There is a flimsy stick-on pouch to slip in a drawing, picture or photo. We preferred not to use the pouches.  If you click the record button by accident you delete the previous recording but it is easy to record again. Sound quality is not wonderful but adequate.
1 First idea - matching sound to picture, pupils record one card each
I gave all the class of 11 teachers a French flashcard (newly bought in Tesco's sale for £1.25, rather nice, have word on one side and picture and words on the other) and a talktime card. I said aloud the words for each card and they repeated while recording, one at a time.  Then we laid out the flashcards on a table and they swapped the talktime cards about. In turn each played their sound and found the matching card. Then go on to 
2 concentration game with all the cards on the table and find a matching pair
3 blutacked to wall as a talking flashcard resource
4 to support any written text especially when working independently. 

They cost about £3 each depending on how many you order. No way of replacing the battery so don;t know how long they would last.
TTS also has A4 sized ones and smaller ones.

I also ordered the recording button which could be used with a display or to give intructions. You can record 10 seconds and it has a replaceable battery.

We are looking forward to exploring more possibilities! There was a real buzz about when we were using them . I am sure the pupils will love using them especially when they get to record themselves.