Monday, 29 June 2009

Learn French, Italian and Spanish on Twitter

Starting today a daily twitter lesson with link to minipodcast for pronunciation.

Follow @learnfrench @learnitalian @learnspanish from your twitter account,

Minipodcast here for French, Italian, Spanish

Bonnes vacances!

Wednesday, 10 June 2009


Félicitations à toutes et à tous!
Lesley se cache derrière Roselyne et Ann et Lisa ne sont pas là.
Merci à Lynn d'avoir assisté.

Je vous remercie tous pour votre participation enthousiaste pendant 20 semaines.

Je pars demain pour la France. A bientôt

Monday, 8 June 2009


I have booked the Treehouse in the Sandgate for Wednesday at 5.30. I have counted Claire, David, Tracy, Rhona, Lesley, Helen, Vivienne, Ann in along with a few from Module 1, me and Roselyne. I have to confirm numbers that afternoon. Please remind me on Wednesday to do that!