Friday, 31 October 2008

Typing French accents (updated)

LTScotland has a page where you can download help sheets. Should surely be OK in school!

Also type and paste here: typeit 

PC Codes here

e acute é: alt e lift off, then type another e  é 
grave `: alt` the key to the left of z, lift off then type the letter requiring the ` è ù à
circumflex ^ : alt i, lift off, type the letter,  î ô â û
c cedilla ç  alt c
trema ¨ : alt u, lift off, type the letter
For capitals just do alt + shift and same as above, although it is not actually necessary to put them on capital letters except Ç


Anonymous said...

Can't access pc codes at work. Websense prevents us from opening these webpages.

Kay McMeekin said...

ltscotland should be ok in school

download a page

Kay McMeekin said...

i'll add the link to the original post

Anonymous said...

It's a pity the LTS codes don't work on laptops...we usually have these in class rather than a PC

Kay McMeekin said...

Not being a pc user, have no experience but according to one site:
Ensure the number lock is on. Hold down the ALT key and enter the numbers on the numeric keypad.
Laptops: the numeric keypad is usually activated by the Function key. It transforms J,K,L into 1,2,3, etc.

À = Alt + 0192 .... É = ALT + 144 .... Î = ALT + 0206 .... ô = ALT + 147 .... ù = ALT + 151 .... Ç = ALT + 128
à = ALT + 133 .... Ê = ALT + 0202.... î = ALT + 140 .._.. œ = ALT + 0156... û = ALT + 150 .... ç = ALT + 135
â = ALT + 131 .... é = ALT + 130..._. ï = ALT + 139
æ = ALT + 145 _.. è = ALT + 138
ê = ALT + 136.
ë = ALT + 137

Not convinced about this as I am sure people have complained they don't work on a pc laptop before. I'll investigate further!