Tuesday, 11 November 2008

mardi onze novembre

We looked at BBC's ma France no2 of the video podcasts which deals with alphabet, spelling, playing games.

For date, birthdays etc see this post from module 1 blog

We played happy families and snakes and ladders. 
You can download  both from My Teaching Files, pw valley 
Modules>Family for happy families cards and vocab le jeu des 7 familles
Modules>Number snakes and teddies is pdf of the original Appleworks file 6x6 snakes grid
David brought along Who's who which is a brilliant game to play. You really need enough sets for one between 4. There is an online version on the Chez Mimi site. Click on the man in the doorway. We played on the whiteboard and liked level one best. There are teachers notes and vocab

Next week it will be parts of the body, by special request and maybe a wee start to Christmas!

You can email me by clicking on my profile and then on email!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kay will have a look at the links

Kay McMeekin said...

Hope you are on the mend, Lynda.