Reminder: if you have anything digital to share please email it to me . I'll make any corrections to French so don't worry about that and upload to my teaching files
I've been married for 10 years
I've lived in Ayr since 1982
I've been teaching for 5 years
If in English it is "have been … or have done … for a length of time or since with a date" then the construction in French is the Present tense of the verb not past tense as in English and preposition depuis
je suis marié(e) depuis dix ans
j'habite à Ayr depuis 1982
j'enseigne depuis 5 ans
Possessive adjectives my, your etc - there are notes in your booklet for this.
Remember the key is that they are adjectives and agree with the following noun
so mon mari my husband - it the husband that is masculine and son père does double duty for his or her father depending on what went before
(pw valley) so that you can all download
Re writing - a few grammar points
How to express you have been doing something for a spell of time. English would be something like …I've been married for 10 years
I've lived in Ayr since 1982
I've been teaching for 5 years
If in English it is "have been … or have done … for a length of time or since with a date" then the construction in French is the Present tense of the verb not past tense as in English and preposition depuis
je suis marié(e) depuis dix ans
j'habite à Ayr depuis 1982
j'enseigne depuis 5 ans
Possessive adjectives my, your etc - there are notes in your booklet for this.
Remember the key is that they are adjectives and agree with the following noun
so mon mari my husband - it the husband that is masculine and son père does double duty for his or her father depending on what went before
use of c'est for he is / she is ce sont they are used if followed by a noun or adj + noun
cf il est grand he is tall
c'est un grand homme he's a tall man
ce sont des jumeaux they are twins
Well done to Lesley whose perseverance was successful:-
Get a Voki now!
If you want to try this out -
Create an account (free)
You need an active email to confirm account.
Give your character a voice - text to speech. Choose language French and a suitable voice. Try different voices.
Beware of typing names - the French voice simulator will have trouble eg to get it to read Kay I typed quai. Probably best to avoid names. Also it will only accept about 3-4 sentences. If words running too fast try an extra space between words. or try a different voice.
If you know how to record your voice on to the computer you could try that. It will let you record longer maybe 60 seconds.
You should also see if it is going to work in school websense etc.
"Publish" when finished "Send to a friend" ie email it to me
Try it out in school - firewall may not like it. Ask for site to be unblocked if ot doesn't work. They are used in schools a lot!
Meant to show you another site. This is a French news website for children. Could be good for similar exercise - pupils will have an idea of what the news story is about, hopefully! For example here is the story about the plane landing in the Hudson river
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