Sunday, 5 April 2009

Micro Teaching Success Criteria

I think I gave you this already but here's a reminder anyway!

Task: teach a few words/phrases, give lots of practise, decode words cards, pupils use new language in an activity.

Success criteria:
use a good amount of French in interactions
confident use of French, good pronunciation, accurate grammar
task explained in simple terms accompanied by gestures and demonstration,
good interaction with class
words spelt correctly on word cards / worksheet
attractive resources, colourful, big enough to be seen, unambiguous

o learning intentions
o explain the task in simple terms
o with gestures and demonstration
o check comprehension
o gender help
o use praise
o give feedback, correct poor pronunciation
o brisk pace, variation
o “realistic” context
o not too much repetition rather use guessing games
o attractive flashcards or other props
o worksheets, if any, attractively word processed and accurate
o when showing word cards, be sure to discuss pronunciation, make connections to words they know with similar spelling and links to English, (this done in English)
o skills: how will we remember what this means (this done in English)
o interaction with class – use of mini whiteboards or other props, cue cards,
o pupils engaged perhaps in paired speaking or acting as teacher
o at end some AiFL feedback

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