Tuesday 27 January 2009

mardi 27 janvier

Tracy a fait l'appel aujourd'hui. Olivia est-ce que tu pourras le faire la semaine prochaine?

On a corrigé les devoirs puis David nous a montré son jeu. On s'impatiente à y jouer la semaine prochaine. 

J'ai trouvé un site super childtopia avec les mêmes pages en anglais et en français (ainsi qu' en espagnol)
Go to maths> buying and selling for money counting in euros then change language to French.

Quote from HMIe Jane Renton  "Today w're going to do something fun We're going to something really difficult." A good point indeed - the satisfaction got from succeeding at something challenging.
We looked at some real French web pages to see how much we could work out. The idea is from a friend who is Faculty Head at Tobermory High School. This is her blog post

We started on the lion page. We discussed the sort of things we would expect to find on a factfile about wild animals. If we had been in the room with the IWB would have highlighted known words and words that looked like English words on the IWB with suggestions from class. Instead they worked on the paper page. A fair proportion of the page was highlighted. Then we worked out the text with some judicious questions.  A lot would depend on the pupils' level of English vocabulary (eg longevity) and general knowledge but this would be an excellent Literacy across the curriculum exercise. Perhaps differentiated tasks could be assigned different abilities. Then I gave a different animal page to groups of 2 with the task of finding 10 facts.
Other points: there will be words that an average French person would not know, there was a word I did not know on the lion page le garrot = withers! Not a word that crops up often in conversation. 

Will post about the voki later. Dog is demanding my attention!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked the reading idea. I think it would be a good challenge for some of the more able P7s. I have done a piece for last week's homework on last week's comments page(I hope anyway)!!